

词汇 feathered friends
释义 feathered friends
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fair-weather friends───只会同安乐却不能共患难的人;酒肉朋友

false friends───假朋友,不忠实的朋友

feather beds───羽毛褥垫;羽毛铺盖;安适的处境




gentleman friends───绅士朋友

weathered face───风化面

four-legged friends───四条腿的朋友


In the spring, nature lovers begin to look for their feathered friends again.───在春天里,热爱大自然的人们又开始寻觅他们那些披着羽毛的朋友了。

And they don't stop at their feathered friends.───而且它们不只吃有羽毛的朋友。

So bird lovers take heart, your feathered friends are innocent avians.───所以鸟类爱好者们振作起来吧,你们长着羽毛的朋友是无辜的。

With warmer weather around the corner, our feathered friends are looking for places to build their hests.───随着在这片地周围渐渐暖和起来的天气,我们的羽毛朋友正在找寻可以执行他们的使命的地方。

Pigeons aren't considered the smartest of our feathered friends, but the incessantly cooing, bread-crumb-eating birds have their uses.───在我们长着羽毛的朋友中,鸽子不被认为是最聪明的,但是这些不断咕咕叫的、吃面包屑的鸟有它们的用处。

Urban areas continue to spread. So to survive, our feathered friends may need to expand their minds as they spread their wings.───城市面积仍在扩大,想要生存的小鸟们在展翅飞翔的时候也要变得更聪明才行。

And after I make my brief remarks, you will be welcome to come up and pet our feathered friends.───在我的简短的讲话之后,你们就可以去抚摸那些长满羽毛的朋友了。

So bird lovers take heart, your feathered friends are innocent avians.───所以鸟类爱好者们鼓起信心,你们的有羽毛的朋友只是无辜的鸟类。

Eating them wing, beak, and all. And they don't stop at their feathered friends. They'll even eat each other.───吃掉它们的翅膀、喙和所有部分。而且它们不只吃有羽毛的朋友。它们也会相互吞食。


Ornithologists said it was too early too rule out feathered friends.

However, don't feed your feathered friends very dry bread, desiccated coconut or salty food.

Joe is an avid bird watcher. He has always been fascinated by our fine feathered friends.

No gratitude came from feathered friends.

And they're not exactly exotic jungle fowl. In fact, they're our more familiar feathered friends.

So bird lovers take heart, your feathered friends are innocent avians.

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  • feathered dinosaurs
  • feathered friend




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