However, I soon remember that Master Zhenlin taught us before the Shurangama Mantra is the best talisman.───不过很快想起来,师父曾经说过,《楞严咒》是最好的护身符。
The other day I was trying to translate into English the Lecture on Sutra on Longevity by Master Zhenlin.───前些天我尝试把师父的《长寿经浅释》翻译成英文。
WANG Zhenlin, male, born in 1970, Ph. D, associated Prof. , research interests: architecture, compile, system virtualization.───王振林,男,1970年生人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为体系结构,编译,系统虚拟化。
We sincerely welcome Mr. Sun Zhenlin director at home and abroad visit our friends, co-operation.───厂长孙振林先生竭诚欢迎国内外朋友光临指导、共同合作。
Police have named Xiong Zhenlin, a local junk collector, as the suspect in the killings.
Police in Hubei are offering RMB5000 for a tip-off on junkyard owner Xiong Zhenlin, the suspected killer of 8 people in Suizhou Monday.
- 贞林用英语怎么说