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词汇 这个听起来不错用英语怎么说
释义 这个听起来不错用英语怎么说

That sounds good


不错───not bad


As a friend he is not bad, but as an employer, he is a pain in the neck.───作为朋友他不坏, 但作为雇主, 他是个讨厌的人.

The car is not bad in appearance.───这辆小车外表看起来还不赖.

The dish is not bad. It makes my head swim.───这盘菜味儿真不赖! 可开洋荤啦.

Living conditions there are not bad.───那里的生活条件还过得去.

"How much is he paying you?" — "Oh, five thousand." —"Not bad."───“他给你多少钱?”——“哦,5,000。”——“挺不错嘛。”

She had her own company by 25—not bad going !───她25岁时就有了自己的公司—干得不错!

His English is not bad, but his pronunciation isn't too good.───他的英语学得不错, 只是发音还不太好.

That was not bad for a first attempt.───按初次尝试来说,那就算不错了.

Wade was smart and not bad-looking, and he could be funny when he wanted to.───韦德脑子聪明,相貌也不难看,而且如果他愿意的话还很风趣。

Not bad,' she conceded grudgingly.───不错。”她勉强承认道。


They are not bad in themselves but they're so weak-minded.

As teachers go, he's not bad.

He was best in his age group - not bad, eh?

That was not bad for a first attempt.

Not bad science knowledge, but not knowledge; does not do bad things, and only do good things. No change of habit, only to correct attitude; did not break down over the threshold, only the legs up.

He's not bad for a beginner.

As a friend he is not bad, but as an employer, he is a pain in the neck.

It's not bad for you to honey your boss.

"How are you, mate?" — "Not bad, mate, how's yourself?".

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  • but it s not
  • appeasement is not an option
  • you do not face
  • i am not girl
  • denotes synonyms
  • not so sad
  • no it is not
  • neck or nothing
  • cannot help doing sth
  • see notes




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