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词汇 fat content
释义 fat content
fat content发音

脂肪含量; 含脂率


heat content───焓,[热]热含量

salt content───盐度

heat contents───焓,[热]热含量

clay content───粘粒含量;粘土含量

low content───低含量


to content───满足

latent content───潜含量;潜性内容

fibre content───纤维含量


Fat content showed a rise tendency as a whole.───脂肪含量总体上呈上升趋势.

Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.───葵花籽人造黄油跟黄油的脂肪含量一样。

So the trans fat content is unknown.───所以不知道反式脂肪酸的含量。

Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.───向日葵所制人造黄油的脂肪含量与黄油脂肪含量相同。

IDF Standard 16 C - 1989 : Cream —— Determination of Fat Content ( Rose - Gottllieb Reference Method )───国际乳品联合会标准IDF 16C:1987 稀奶油——脂肪含量的测定 ( 罗兹 — 哥特里伯基准法 )

Dry meat and marbling turn out ascend trend along with intramuscular fat content.───而肌内干物质、大理石花纹含量随着肌内脂肪含量的增加呈现上升趋势,是正相关.

The cut of meat, its location on the animal, and preparation method also determine fat content.───分割类牛肉则因其不部位 、 准备方法不同,脂肪含量而有所差异.

Despite its very low fat content, it is deliciously creamy.───虽然脂肪含量很少, 但是味美似乳脂.

High fat content usually indicates disease of the pancreas or small intestine.───粪便中过量的脂类通常表示胰线或小肠病变.

Leaf fat content increased with N, P and K application whereas S, Mg and B had negative effect.───N 、 P、K肥施用有提高桑叶中脂肪含量的作用,而S 、 Mg、B肥的作用则相反.

Since I started to diet, I keep a critical eye for foods with high fat content.───开始节食后, 我就对脂肪含量高的食物非常挑剔.

Body fat content has a direct impact on the rate of intoxication.───人体的脂肪含量对醉酒程度有直接影响.

There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt.───最近,食品服务业出现了脂肪含量降低和盐份减少的趋势。

Animals fed on corn have higher fat content.───以谷粒为食的动物脂肪含量较高.


It could be the fat content of the diet.

Two percent milk has a fat content of two percent and usually a solids content of ten percent.

Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.

Cream has a high fat content .

Chocolate has a high fat content.

Fat content can not exceed 30 percent.

Red meat tends to have a high fat content.

Despite its very low fat content, it is deliciously creamy.

Bolognese Sauce Serves 4. Fat content per serving - 5g; energy content per serving - 108 calories.

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