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Apostolic Church───使徒教会

Catholic Church───大公教会;天主教;天主教会;天主教堂

Coptic Church───n.科普特教会(埃及的土著基督教派)

apostolic age───使徒时代

apostolic ages───使徒时代

apostolic see───罗马教会之别称

charismatic church───魅力教会

Armenian Apostolic Church───亚美尼亚使徒教会

Apostolic Fathers───使徒后期教父著作;使徒教父(公元1~2世纪古代基督教著作家,据传是使徒们的门徒)


And in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.───而在之一,罗马天主教和使徒教会。

The sign is an advertisement for AIDS awareness which is posted on the side of the Apostolic Church, fuchsia pink.───这是为提高防范艾滋病意识做的广告,就张贴在教堂粉色倒挂金钟的一边。

The Church has now shifted from being "Charismatic" into her "Apostolic call" to pastor the whole city and impact nations in line with God is doing at this present age.───这教会已经从“灵恩”转型进入“使徒性呼召”,来牧养整个城市和影响国家,这是跟神在这个时期所做的事是平行的。

The imperial British state, Stephen answered, his colour rising, and the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church.───“大英帝国,”斯蒂芬回答说,他的脸涨红了,“还有神圣罗马使徒公教会。”

It's not only one of the most significant architectural monuments in Armenia, but also the center of apostolic church.───它不仅仅是亚美尼亚最具代表性的建筑,更是使徒教会的中心。

Supreme Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church───亚美尼亚宗徒教会至高牧首

Armenian Apostolic Church of Jerusalem───耶路撒冷亚美尼亚宗徒教会


Benedict, together with the visiting Armenian Apostolic Church Catholicos Aram I, joined hundreds of people gathered in the Paul VI Hall, inside Vatican City, for the ceremony.

A desire to understand the thought and experience of the apostolic Church.

The so-called radical reformers wanted to go even further back, to the Apostolic church or to the New Testament itself.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

  • apostolicity definition
  • apostolic exhortation
  • apostolicity canon




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