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词汇 far back
释义 far back
far back发音




fade back───淡调背景

fall back───退却,后退;回落

flat back───板样背;方脊,平脊

hark back───回到本题,重提,回想;(猎犬)循原路而回寻觅嗅迹,折回

bad back───背伤;背不好;背痛

fed back───反馈;反应;回复

lay back───使…向后;躺下休息

pay back───vt.偿还;报答

sat back───休息;不采取行动


In this photo, you can see effect of Xiang pulling his lead arm too far back.───在这张照片里, 你可以看到翔过于向后拉动其引导臂的结果.

To answer these questions we must go very far back into time.───为了回答这些问题,我们必须回到遥远的过去.

The book ranges historically as far back as the Florence of the Renaissance.───这部书一直回溯到文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨的历史.

As far back as 1920 s attention was directed towards the problem.───早在20年代,人们就注意这一问题了.

The band made their first record as far back as 1990.───这个乐队早在 1990 年就录制了他们的第一张唱片。

It happened far back in the past.───这事发生在久远的过去.

How far back can you trace your family tree?───你的家谱可以追溯到多少代?

As far back as February 1923, Paul Harris wrote, Rotary is not an organization for retrospection.───早在1923年2月, 保罗哈利斯写著: [轮社并非缅怀过去的社团.

Changing face of urban villages the pace go far back.───城市乡村变化着面貌,步伐迈得早.

I Didnt Know That I Was So Far Back Already!───真没想到我已经往回跑了这么远!

Please wait a minute before drawing conclusion. Let us trace far back into a 1960's Olympic.───但在下结论前请等一下, 让我们再回溯到更远的60年代的一届奥运会.

Far back the fields were squares of green and brown on the hillsides.───在原野后面遥远的山坡上是一块块翠绿和棕黄色相间的田地.

How Far Back Should You Go in Your Research?───你要研究到过去的哪一年?

I knew him as far back as 1904.───我早在1904年就认识他了.

Indeed, that ebony painting board goes far back in history and inspires awe.───确实, 那黝黑的漆板渊穆幽深,震慑心魂.

Gunpowder was used in China as far back as the 11 th century.───远在公元11世纪,中国已使用火药.

Violet Vale was purple with violets and the seedling apple tree far back in the woods was a huge tree peppered over with tiny, crimson-tipped blossom-buds.───紫罗兰山谷开满了紫色的花朵,而树林背后深处的苹果树苗长成了绽满了细小的、尖端是深红色的花苞的大树。


There were doubts as far back as the 19205.

Poisoning incidents have been registered as far back as 1842.

How far back can you trace your family tree?

As far back as the Middle Ages, price promotion was used as a way to develop market economics.

The first petrol-driven car was produced as far back as 1883.

The architecture dates as far back as 1950.

Nomatterwhere we go in space, nor how far back in time, we find power.

The band made their first record as far back as 1980.

It ain't far back to the house, but it takes ages cos we got to walk slow.

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