

词汇 fall on deaf ears
释义 fall on deaf ears
fall on deaf ears发音




fallow deers───(欧洲产的)小鹿

falling weathers───下降的天气

fallow deer───(欧洲产的)小鹿

turn a deaf ear───充耳不闻;不加理睬;不愿听

fall on one's feet───v.安然脱险

fall on your feet───站起来

fall sideways───侧倒

fall under───受到(影响等);被归入

fallen apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎


Public complaints about urban noise pollution often fall on deaf ears.───公众对城市噪音的投诉常常被忽略。

Otherwise, the messages might fall on deaf ears just because of those fake fans.───否则,因为粉丝都是虚假的,那些微博上的信息就不会有人理睬。 所以,最后一条建议是:下次你看见微博页面右上角提示新的好友信息时,别太兴奋哦。

Claims for a twenty per cent salary increase are likely to fall on deaf ears.───增加工资20%的要求可能会被置之不理.

I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.───我希望我们的请求不会被当作耳边风。

I know these silent prayers fall on deaf ears: You've got integrity like a disease.───我知道,这些悄然的祈祷已无人再听: 你认为,过分的完美像一场疾病.

Claims for a twenty percent salary increase are likely to fall on deaf ears.───增加20%工资的要求极有可能等于白说.

My advice always fall on deaf ears.───我的建议好象总是没人听.


But my suggestions fell on deaf ears.

Their requests fell on deaf ears.

I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.

His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears.

Their complaints about the poor service fell on deaf ears .

His complaints fell on deaf ears.

Their appeals to release the hostages fell on deaf ears.

All her appeals for help fell on deaf ears.

Her advice fell on deaf ears.

  • fallacy of ambiguity
  • fall fair
  • falling out
  • fallacious appeals
  • fallfish range
  • fallacies list
  • fall into him
  • fallfish maine
  • fall upon hard times
  • fall down to
  • fall asleep
  • falling through
  • fallow deer
  • fallen stars
  • falling star
  • fall short of
  • fall about laughing
  • fallen down
  • fallen series
  • fall time
  • fall and her




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