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词汇 fair trade
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fair trades───公平贸易;互惠贸易



fur trade───毛皮贸易

carry trade───套利交易;套息交易;利差交易;息差交易

air train───滑翔机队;空中列车

air travel───n.航空旅行;空中旅行

fair game───n.可批评、嘲弄的对象;可被追捕的猎物

fair shake───公平待遇;诚实对待


To me, that’s a fair trade for free programs.───对我来说,只要能看免费节目,这个交易还算合理。

Fair - trade teas, bananas, nuts and other products are also available.───茶叶 、 香蕉 、 坚果以及其它产品也可以用“公平贸易”字样.

I think It'sounds like pretty fair trade, too.───我想那似乎也是很公平的交易.

Fair - trade is a win - win proposition for both sellers and buyers.───公平交易是对买方还有卖方都有利的方案.

It wouldn't exactly have been a fair trade.───那就不会是完全公平的交换了.

After WTO accession, Chinese textiles industry will face relative fair trade environment as well as challenges.───中国加入世贸组织以后, 纺织品服装贸易将获得相对公平的竞争环境,同时纺织业也面临着挑战.

Ying accompanied by price, the price codes, fair trade, and integrity services.───价格随行迎, 明码标价, 公平交易, 诚信服务.

After arguing with him for an hour, we made a fair trade.───与他争论一小时后, 我们做了一桩公平交易.

Interview by TVB Jade Channel on Fair Trade and Organic Coffee Bean - 2005.───访问,有关公平贸易和有机咖啡豆,2005年.

Fair Trade Commission has of late been flexing its muscles, cracking down on cases of corruption.───公平交易委员会最近一展雄威,对腐败案件进行了严惩。

Comparison of fair trade and prosperity.───集市贸易比较繁荣.

Not all lip gloss is fair trade.───并非所有的唇彩是公平贸易.

Pricing, competition, fair trade packaging, labeling, advertising, product safety and minimum wages can all affect business.───商品的定价, 竞争, 公平的交易包装, 标签, 广告, 产品的安全和最低工资都可以影响到商业.

France says intellectual property rights and legal protection form part of its concerns over fair trade.───法方认为,知识产权的司法保护问题构成了公平贸易的重要部分.

The first trade coffee brand we sold. They sell more fair trade varieties today.───我们最早售卖的公平咖啡品牌. 现在还售卖其它公平贸易产品.

In Ghana, workers' cooperatives receive fair trade prices for the cocoa they produce.───在加纳,加入工人合作社的农民可以获得公平的可可收购价格。

Organic, green, fair - trade and other such attributes all make items more expensive.───有机 、 绿色 、 公平贸易等类似特性,都会使商品变得更为昂贵.

Fair - trade teas, bananas, nuts, chocolate bars and other products are also available.───购买公平贸易茶 、 香蕉 、 坚果 、 巧克力棒以及其他产品人同样适用.

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