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词汇 face facts
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face packs───美容洁肤膏,面霜

false faces───假面

face the facts───面对现实;正视事实

face cards───人头牌(扑克中的J,Q,K)

face flies───脸苍蝇

face lifts───整容,翻新;为(建筑物、汽车等)作外观上的改善

face masks───面罩(facemask的名词复数)

face pack───美容洁肤膏,面霜

game faces───(准备好应对某个棘手的事情或者迎接挑战时的表情)


Face facts —she isn't coming back.───面对现实吧—她不会回来了。

He accused the Government of refusing to face facts about the economy.───他指责政府拒绝正视有关经济的现实情况。

Our long experiment with science has, however, shown us our capacity to face facts and let them speak for themselves. In that history, we can take great pride and comfort.───我们的长期实验告诉我们:我们有能力面对事实并尊重事实,我们非常骄傲我们过去能够做到这一点。

We know now that our presence will be well received, and those who deny us will have to face facts that cannot be ignored for much longer.───我们知道,现在我们的存在事实已经被很好的接受,而且那些拒绝承认我们的人也将不得不面对事实,因为这无法再被忽视。

if life has taken on a slight blur recently-even without your favorite wine-it might be time to face facts: you need glasses.───如果你最近看东西有点模糊——即使在没喝你最爱的那种酒的情况下也是如此——那说明也许应该面对现实了,你该配眼镜了。

I don't want to scare you unnecessarily, but you might as well face facts and look at a few numbers.───我不想不必要地吓唬你,可你最好还是面对事实,看看一些数字吧。

Lets just face facts, we will never be able to compete with China's business oriented brand of socialism.───让我们面对事实,我们根本无法同中国社会主义的企业模式相抗衡。

Companies need to face facts: there are technologies (like these five) that are practically perfect just as they are.───生产厂商需要面对这样的事实:即有一些技术(如下述5种)原本已经几乎达到完美。

But see, I think it worked brilliantly for the President, because, let's just face facts. His approval ratings are not that high.───但你看,我认为这对总统很有力,因为让我们面对事实。他的支持率并不高。


I'm afraid you'll have to face facts. She'll never marry you.

When will this lady and her followers face facts?

Let's face facts: Mohammed Ali is THE MAN.

You've got to face facts , Rachel. You can't survive on a salary that low.

I advise you to face facts, stop being such a flower child.

It's about time you learnt to face facts .

We have to face facts here - we simply don't have enough money.

He accused the Government of refusing to face facts about the economy.

You've got to face facts here - you can't just bury your head in the sand.

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