

词汇 face danger
释义 face danger
face danger发音



grave danger───极度的危险

face angle───[数]面角

face angles───[数]面角

ice dancer───冰上舞者

main danger───主要危险

face darkens───脸色变黑

face flannel───法兰绒


Face danger! Don't be afraid!───面对危险,不要害怕!

Some experienced divers say they may not face danger when near a shark.───一些有经验的潜水员谈到,当他们靠近鲨鱼时,并不意味着危险。

Scout can face danger even if he is afraid.───童子军即使要害怕的情况下也要能面对危险。

Pray for courage and encouragement for Christians in Somalia who face danger and threats everyday as they seek to worship Jesus.───祷告当索马利亚的基督徒寻求敬拜耶稣时,他们能有勇气及鼓励来每天所面对危险和威胁。

But the ferocious punishment will not be the days and more are beginning to face danger in order to . . .───但是凶恶的刑天是不会就此善罢甘休的,更凶险的遭遇正在开始…

a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear.───面对危险和痛苦时表现出的无畏的精神气质。

Now is the time to report, locally and internationally, on species that are just starting to face danger.───我们立即得为刚开始面临威胁的物种做地方的和国际的报道。

Readers can identify with his struggle to face danger and overcome problems.───他直面危险、战胜困难的斗争,让读者产生了共鸣。


To see clues that others have overlooked, to face danger and overcome fear.

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