

词汇 anywhere from
释义 anywhere from
anywhere from发音







other from───不同于


apart from───远离,除…之外;且不说;缺少

aside from───除…以外

free from───使摆脱;免于;解放


Depending on the complexity and scope of the concern being addressed, the resulting tangle can be anywhere from minor to significant.───根据要解决的问题的复杂性和范围,所引起的混乱可大可小。

His shoes cost anywhere from $200 up.───他的鞋价钱在$200以上。

An average person, "Roach explains, "will, during the peak flatulence period, pass anywhere from one to almost three cups of flatus per hour."───一个普通人,”罗奇解释道,“在肠胃最胀气的时候,每个小时会放出1到3杯的的屁。

The income is anywhere from an extra $200-$400 a month depending on how much you put into it.───收入是200元,从一个额外的任何地方-每月400元的多少取决于你进入它付诸表决。

The disclosure process at Michigan involves a series of meetings that take anywhere from a few weeks to more than a year to complete.───在密歇根模式中,这个过程需要涉及到一系列会谈,或许需要好几个星期甚至一年以上的时间才能完成。

We used to think uh, that we had anywhere from 8 to 10 minutes, that we had a safe margin, to go in and begin attacking the fire.───我们过去认为,嗯,无论怎样我们都有8至10分钟时间,作为富余的安全时间,让我们进入房屋内部灭火。

And you know it takes anywhere from a few months to several years to create a hand-woven Persian carpet.───同时,你也要知道,要制作出一条波斯地毯的时间跨度至少要几个月,甚至要几年。

Don't you think I can save some bus fares since it's easy to go anywhere from here and it's near the place where I work?───你不认为这儿到任何地方去都很方便,而且离我工作的地方很近,这样我就能省一笔公车费吗?

Anywhere from 13 or 14 on, a boy may be ready to leave the teasing group of boys and go on his first date.───从十三四岁开始,一个男孩可能会离开那群爱戏弄别人的男孩,开始第一次单独约会。


Fights can take place anywhere, from the back room of a pub to a municipal hall.

Jefferies noted that REITs currently are getting anywhere from 8. 5 to 11 percent returns on the funds it invests.

His shoes cost anywhere from $200 up.

My visits lasted anywhere from three weeks to two months.

That means sales of anywhere from 10, 000 to 30, 000 copies are needed before profits kick in.

He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.

Effectively the spreadsheet consists of a large, anywhere from 65,000 cells to 2 million or more, sheet of squared paper.

It will take anywhere from 12 to 18 months for the lake to fill, according to projections.

He charges anywhere from $20 to $50 for a haircut and blow-dry.

  • anywhere interesting
  • anywhere between




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