

词汇 excruciating pain
释义 excruciating pain
excruciating pain发音






burning pain───灼痛;烧痛

crucial point───要害;关键点

crucian carp───鲫鱼

dripping pan───油滴盘;盛液盘

eating plan───饮食计划

exciting news───振奋人心的消息;令人兴奋的消息;令人激动的消息


I was in excruciating pain and one leg wouldn't move.───我忍受着剧痛,一条腿无法动弹。

Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as tic douloureux, sometimes is described as the most excruciating pain known to humanity.───三叉神经痛,也称为抽动痛,有时被描述为人类已知的最严重的疼痛。

When my friend pulled my ear, I felt an excruciating pain.───朋友拉我耳朵时, 有一种剧烈的痛.

The tablets brought temporary respite from the excruciating pain.───这些药片暂时缓解了剧痛.

The patient complains of excruciating pain.───病人主诉难以忍受的疼痛.

I was in excruciating pain and one leg wouldn't move.───我处于极度痛苦之中,一条腿动弹不了了。

She went back to work for 10 hours and by the end of the day was in "excruciating pain".───10个小时后他就回去工作了,那天晚些时候,我感觉到了“剧痛”。


The patient complains of excruciating pain.

The tablets brought temporary respite from the excruciating pain.

This patient was initially diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome and presented with excruciating pain and numbness in right shoulder, arm and fingers, and positive elevated arm stress test (EAST).

After rolling on the sand in excruciating pain until stars lit up the sky, he relieved himself for a good half-hour.

Play was stopped twice in the first half as Estrada writhed on the ground in seemingly excruciating pain after making a save.

An excruciating pain in her head and stabbing agony in one ankle.

When my friend pulled my ear, I felt an excruciating pain.

I was in excruciating pain and one leg wouldn't move.

Excruciating pain stabbed up into his groin.





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