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词汇 能让他接电话吗用英语怎么说
释义 能让他接电话吗用英语怎么说

Can you put him on the phone




We may meet again if we are spared.───如果我们不死,还会见面的.

Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song, "Meet Me in St. Louis".───布雷默和加兰为主题曲《相逢圣路易斯》配和声。

Could we meet at lunchtime?───我们能在午餐时间见个面吗?

He has a strong desire to meet you.───他极想见你.

I cannot predict when to meet her again.───我无法预测什么时候会再见到她.

Maybe we'll meet again some time.───说不定我们什么时候还会再见面的。

We write regularly but seldom meet.───我们经常通信,却很少见面.

They arranged to meet in Riverside Park at the unearthly hour of seven in the morning.───他们约定一大清早7点在河滨公园见面。

Most of us would maintain that physical attractiveness does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.───我们大部分人坚持认为我们对遇到的人作出何种反应并不取决于其外在的魅力。

The Yongding and Daqing rivers meet near Tianjin.───永定河和大清河在天津附近合流.


Extremes meet.

I know him not should I meet him in my pottage dish.

Merry meet, merry part.

We're having a track and field meet.

I'd like you to meet Ann Gregory, my deputy.

Pleased to meet you. Plsd to meet u, too.

He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.

I'll meet you by the main reception desk.

Don't meet troubles half-way.

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