The art class is on Friday
美术───fine arts
He was a man of catholic tastes, a lover of grand opera, history, and the fine arts.───他是一个兴趣广泛的人,爱好大歌剧、历史和美术。
He had always set his heart on a career in the fine arts.───他一心想从事一项美术方面的职业。
I studied fine arts in college.───我在大学学习美术。
The writer, a fine arts major, who now runs a finance company, says it was all a labor of love.───学美术出身,现在经营一家金融投资公司的作者说写小说只是爱好。
Once, one of my friends told me that he saw an article having very new concepts whose writer is Li Xianting , in the magazine, fine arts.───有一次,一个朋友告诉我,在《美术》杂志上看到了一篇文章,观念很新,这个作者是栗宪庭。
I broke my leg and could only walk with a stick at the beginning of my second school year in Xi'an Fine Arts Academy.───在美院上大学的第二年,我不幸脚骨折了,只能靠拄拐行走。
Unexpectedly, he took teaching jobs, went so far as to assume the teaching of fine arts specialist.───没想到,他走上教学工作岗位,竟然是承担美术专科的教学。
China's Academy of Fine Arts will hold such an exhibition about this time each year and students will take out their works for sale.───每年差不多这个时候,美院都会组织这样的展卖会,把学生平时的写生作品、创作作品拿出来卖。
Born in 1955 in Beijing, Yu has been a fine arts editor in the Beijing Evening News.───1955年出生于北京的余曾是北京晚报的一名美术编辑。
Mr. Tailor is a good judge of the fine arts.
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