[地名] [南极洲] 南大洋
Antarctic Ocean───南冰洋
Antarctic Zone───[地理]南极带
Antarctic beech───n.斜假水青冈木
Antarctic prion───南极朊病毒
Arctic Ocean───n.北冰洋
Antarctic prions───南极朊病毒
Antarctic Plate───[地质]南极洲板块
Atlantic Ocean───大西洋
There have been conflicts between these two systems concerning the Antarctic Ocean.───在二者的发展进程中,有关南极海域的法律问题充满了冲突,尽管有协调二者的努力,但冲突仍多于和谐.
will continue their journey on a naval ship, which will release them into the ocean in their Antarctic habitat.───这些企鹅将搭乘一艘海军舰艇继续旅程,直到最终抵达南极海域。
Warming of the middle depths of the Southern Ocean could unleash the "widespread collapse" of the West Antarctic icesheet by the year 3000, it says.───认为,南大洋中间深度水域升温到3000年可能会导致南极洲西部冰原的“大面积崩溃”。
It lives in seas worldwide, mostly in temperate and warm, but can be found also in Artic and Antarctic Ocean.───它通常生活在世界上气候温热的海域,但是在南北冰洋也发现了它的踪迹。
- antarctic krill