

词汇 第一天假期用英语怎么说
释义 第一天假期用英语怎么说

First day holiday




Mr. Fuller is on vacation now.───费勒先生在度假.

Where are you going for your vacation this summer?───今年夏天你去哪儿度假?

The children wait impatiently for the vacation.───孩子们焦急地等待着假期的来临.

The vacation time hung heavy on Dick's hands because all his friends were away at camp.───假期对迪克来说真是度日如年,因为他的朋友们都去露营了.

The French get five to six weeks' vacation a year.───法国人每年有5到6周的假期。

Did you have a lot of reading during the vacation?───放假期间你读了很多书吗?

Soon school will end and the vacation will be at hand.───学期快结束了,假期即将到来.

Who cares about some stupid vacation?───谁在乎什么愚蠢的度假?

Every year my father would call a family powwow to discuss where we were going on vacation.───每年我父亲都会召开一次家庭会议,讨论我们要去哪儿度假。

A good vacation uplifted him.───愉快的假期使他振作起来.


We'll take a vacation sometime in September.

Are you here for a vacation?

We're taking a vacation in June.

They're on vacation for the next two weeks.

All summer vacation long they just bummed around.

His vacation of a good position was unwise.

Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and make good sentences.

His vacation overlaps with mine.

Neff hitchhiked to New York during his Christmas vacation.

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