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词汇 editor in chief
释义 editor in chief
editor in chief发音




editor in chiefs───主编;总编辑

editors in chief───主编;总编辑



tenant in chief───总房客

tenant in chiefs───房东

commander in chief───统帅,总司令




It is here editor in chief's room.───这里是总编辑室.

I somehow learned that she went to nightclubs a lot, and I once overheard her tell a colleague that she wanted to be the editor in chief of a magazine someday.───我不知怎么地了解到她经常去夜总会,一次我偶然听到她告诉一个同事将来有一天她想要成为杂志的主编。

Unlike a conventional editor - in - chief , Mr Wales has no staff.───和传统的 总编辑 不同, 威尔士先生手下并无一兵一卒.

Editor - in - Chief : Let's talk about globalization , one of your big initiatives.───总编: 我们来谈谈全球化的问题——你们首先要解决的大问题之一.

Hung - chien called his attention by saying, " Pardon me, I'm looking for Mr. Wang, the editor - in - chief . "───他唤起他注意道: “ 对不住, 我要找 总编辑 王先生. ”

Fyodor Lukyanov is the editor in chief of the Russia in Global Affairs journal, published in Russian and English.───亚诺夫是《全球事务中的俄罗斯》杂志的主编,该杂志有俄语和英语两种版本。

Presently he is Virology Editor - in - Chief of'Veterinary Microbiology '.───现在他是“兽医微生物学”病毒学 总编辑.

Editor - in - Chief : It's also true that you read a book a week?───总编: 听说你每周都读一本书--是这样的 吗 ?

The editor - in - chief blue - penciled the article written by his reporter.───总编 将他的采访记者所写的文章加以修改.

Editor - in - Chief : Just about two years ago, Jack Welch was here on this stage.───总编: 大约两年前, 杰克·韦尔奇就坐在这个位置上.

She was once the program director and deputy editor - in - chief in HNETV.───曾任湖南经济电视台节目中心主任、副 总编辑.

Founder & President Founder ; former Editor - in - Chief of China Entrepreneur; corporate observer.───《创业家》杂志创办人 、 社长,原《中国企业家》 杂志社 主编, 企业观察家.

In May 1982, he became editor - in - chief.───1982年5月, 他升任主编.

I have given carte blanche to the editor - in - chief in revising my articles.───我给主编全权修改我的拙文.

He angles his reports to please his editor in chief.───他改变写报告的角度,以取悦主编.

Duga ( Rainbow ): Belgrade; 2 a month ; news magazine ; Editor - in - Chief - Ilija Repaic.───彩虹》: 贝尔格莱德; 半月刊; 主编 - 利雅·帕伊奇.

The editor in chief cut out the last paragraph.───主编删去了最后一段.

Ma Yimu, the executive editor in chief of the magazine, announced the dismissal Monday on his microblog, saying, "I cannot believe it."───本周一,《合唱团》执行主编马一木在微博上宣布了杂志团队解散的消息。他表示:“我不愿相信这是真的。”


The editor in chief docked some of the articles.

Pilger himself would remain editor in chief as agreed.

The editor in chief was relieved from his post at the age of sixty-five.

He angles his reports to please his editor in chief.

As the editor in chief of such a magazine, I am obliged to answer a lot of questions about men.

The resignation of the editor in chief was remarked upon by all the staff members in the newspaper office.

The editor in chief cut out the last paragraph.

The editor in chief embroidered the original story beyond recognition.

He has been appointed editor in chief vice Mr.White,who has retired.

  • editorial vida
  • editorial example
  • editorial page




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