

词汇 early bird
释义 early bird
early bird发音




early birds───早起的人(earlybird的复数形式)


Early Bird───早起者;早到者

an early bird───早起的人;早到者

dolly bird───年轻貌美的摩登女子

early life───早年生活;童年

rare bird───珍品;稀有之人或物

Peabody bird───皮博迪鸟

early risers───早起者;机敏的人


The serious buying happens between 6 and 8am, and it is very much the case that the early bird catches the worm.───大量的购买集中在早晨6点到8点之间,那时的情况真的就是先到先得。

W: The early bird gets the worm.───女:早起的鸟才会有虫吃。

Allen arrives at the office before everyone else. He's an early bird.───艾伦是个早起的人,他每天都比其他人早到办公室.

Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season.───在换季之初抢先购买通常会有折扣优惠。

Ah, you are an early bird then!───你原来是早起的人.

It is the early bird that catches the worm.───早起的鸟先得虫;捷足先登.

You're a bit of an early bird , aren't you?───你起得很早嘛.

He's quite an early bird.───他是个早起者.

In the business world, remember: the early bird gets the worm.───身在商业界, 切记: 早起的鸟儿有虫吃.

The early bird gets the worm.───捷足先得,先下手为强.

As the saying goes the early bird the worm.───谚语说,早起的鸟有食吃.

She believes that an early bird can catch the worm.───她相信早起的鸟儿有虫吃.

They believe that the early bird catches the worm.───我相信早起的鸟儿有虫吃.

The early bird catches the worm.───[谚]捷足先登.

The early bird gets the worm.───早起的鸟才会有虫吃。

You're an early bird this morning!───你今天起得真早啊!

Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season.───早到早得的折扣通常在季初有。

Did she lure you to an early bird dinner?───她用一些给小鸟的早餐来引诱你 吗 ?

  • early school
  • early retirement
  • early autumn
  • early warning system
  • early enough
  • early stage
  • early person
  • early english
  • early october
  • early money
  • early and late
  • early rising




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