a thing of the past───陈迹
be in on the act───参与演出
deep in the past───在过去的深处
get in on the act───参与
live in the past───因循守旧;按旧章程办事
writing on the wall───灾祸将临的预兆;不祥之兆
the icing on the cake───锦上添花
So instead of dwelling on the past, they embrace the future.───所以与其踟蹰于过去,不如拥抱未来。
's no sense in dwelling on the past.───想着过去是没有意义的。
use dwelling on the past.───老是想着过去是没有用的。
China has accused Japan of failing to repent for historical wrongs, while Japan accuses China of dwelling on the past.───中国一直指责日本在对历史的错误上缺乏悔改的态度,而日本则指责中国在历史中徘徊不前。
You're "generally happy, " yet you spend your life dwelling on the past--that doesn't really sync up, does it?───你“越来越快活”,但你的生活里却老是在想着过去,这听起来可不怎么合拍啊,你说是不是呢?
In Buddhism, the path to enlightenment is lighted not by dwelling on the past or predicting the future, but by staying in the present.───佛教教义中,实现大彻大悟的方法不是回想过去或预知未来,而是“活在当下”。
Life is happening right now. Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, practice being and living in the present moment.───生活就发生在先下。与其追忆往昔或是担忧未来,不如着眼于现在,生活在现在。
Instead of dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, just practice being and living in the 'now. '───相反的,老是停留在过去,或者担心未来,那还不如尝试着活在当下。
It's no use dwelling on the past.───老是想着过去是没有用的。
It's time you stopped dwelling on the past.
Dwelling on the past only drags you down.
Stop being a fuddy-duddy any more, always dwelling on the past just means nothing!
- dwelling time
- dwelling on the past