

词汇 dust off
释义 dust off
dust off发音

掸[拭]去灰尘; (长期搁置后)重新使用[温习]; 迅速离开; 擦去灰尘



dusts off───抹去灰尘


dusted off───抹去灰尘

cast off───摆脱;抛弃;解开(缆绳等)

cut off───切断;中断;使死亡;剥夺继承权

dash off───v.匆忙完成


push off───推迟;离开

put off───推迟;扔掉;阻止


Billy leaned forward and brushed a speck of dust off his shoes.───比利俯身擦掉了鞋子上的一丝灰尘。

He whisked the dust off his desk with a cloth.───他用一块布把桌子的灰尘掸掉.

She flicked the dust off her collar.───她轻轻弹掉了衣领上的灰尘。

He blew the dust off.───他吹掉灰尘.

Dust off your old skills and prepare for new responsibility.───重温你以往的技术,准备挑起新的责任.

She moistened a tissue and gently wiped the dust off the necklace.───她沾湿了一块纸巾,轻轻擦去项链上的灰尘.

He wiped the dust off and gently wrapped it in brown paper.───他掸去灰尘,用棕色厚纸把东西小心包好.

Wipe the dust off the table.───把桌子上的灰尘擦去.

The rain shifted dust off the street.───雨把街上的尘土冲走了.

He flipped a speck of dust off.───他把一点尘迹弹掉.

Strap on your dancing shoes and dust off your hula hoop—workouts with a theme will be more popular than ever in 2010.───绑上你的舞鞋,掸掉呼啦圈上的灰尘——在2010年有主题的锻炼将比以往更受欢迎。

Uncle blew the dust off his book.───叔叔吹掉书上的灰尘.

Four years after he graduated from school, Tom decided to dust off his algebra book.───汤姆从学校毕业四年后, 决意重温代数.

She blew the dust off the book.───她吹掉了书上的灰尘。

I'll have to dust off my French if we're going to move to Paris.───我们要是搬到巴黎去,我就得把法语重新拾起来.

I flicked the dust off my coat.───我把灰从衣服上弹掉.

He blew the dust off the book, ie removed the dust by blowing.───他吹掉书上的灰尘.


We'll dust off an old scheme that has been lying on the shelf for months.

The rain shifted dust off the street.

He swept the dust off the table with his hand.

She blew the dust off the book.

Flick the dust off and we will use this table.

I blew the dust off the books.

I'll have to dust off my French if we're going to move to Paris.

She flicked the dust off her collar.

She brushed the dust off the tablecloth.

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