Electric power inspection
电力───power;巡检───On-Site Inspection
He emanates power and confidence.───他表现出力量和信心。
Congress is vested with the power to declare war.───国会被赋以宣战的权利.
A scepter is the attribute of power.───权杖是权力的标志.
You can't make a machine work without power supply.───没有动力,机器就不能转动.
The bad eggs wielded power, while the good people were oppressed.───坏人当道, 好人受气
The power to change the law resides in Parliament.───修改法律的权力属于国会.
He had grossly misused his power.───他严重滥用职权.
There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.───那个国家有一套严密的权力等级制度.
Whatever I do, I will do in my power.
Mickle power makes many enemies.
The skyline is dominated by a nuclear power station.
Stars are radiators of vast power.
He who stands alone has no power.
- 电力的用英语怎么说
- 电力局用英语怎么说
- 国电电力用英语怎么说
- 电力行业用英语怎么说
- 电力巡检用英语怎么说
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