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词汇 drifted away
释义 drifted away
drifted away发音



drift away───渐渐疏远,慢慢散去

died away───vt.减弱,消失;渐熄;风,声音渐弱,渐息;(树木等)渐渐凋零,枯萎(根未死);假死

drive away───赶走;(把车)开走;离去

driven away───赶走;(把车)开走;离去

drives away───赶走;(把车)开走;离去

dropped away───离开;逐渐减少;点点滴滴地消失

fritter away───一点点地浪费


We tied a rope between the raft and the dinghy. After all, if the dinghy drifted away from the raft, the consequences would be very serious.───我们在筏子和小船之间系了一根绳子,毕竟,一旦小船漂离了筏子的话,后果会很严重。

The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident.───人群渐渐从事故现场散去。

The wreckage slowly drifted away.───残骸慢慢漂走了。

Just as you drifted away from him, there must be tens of other people drifted away from him, but he will remember the one who remembers him.───就象你离开了他一样,可能有数十个其他人也离开了他,但他会记住那个记住了他的朋友。

Two of the herons raised their heads to watch as the Shy Maid drifted away from the bank, out into the current.───两只白鹭抬起头看着害羞小姐号离岸滑进水流,缓缓向下游驶去。

I closed my eyes then, and after a while the ornithologists drifted away, their pale faces bobbing up and down on the black wave of fever.───我当时闭着眼。过了片刻,那些鸟类学家逐渐离去。我发着烧,在昏睡中就觉得他们那苍白的脸在黑色浪涛里上下摆动。

All her doubts and fears slowly drifted away like the wind.───她所有的疑虑和恐惧像风一样慢慢散去。

Mao's victory allowed him to reassert central control from Beijing (also over the buffer regions which had 'drifted away', such as Tibet).───毛泽东的胜利让他重申了北京政府的中央统治地位,这种统治还涵盖了一度游离在外的缓冲地区,比如西藏。

Sad to say, after they returned home to the east side of Jordan, they drifted away from God. Finally they were completely lost to Israel.───遗憾的是,当他们回到约旦河东岸建立家园,安居乐业之后,他们却逐渐离弃了神,与其他的以色列民彻底地分开。


The others drifted away. Melanie stayed.

People drifted away after the concert.

But the man didn't quote Scripture, just drifted away.

After ten years of marriage,the husband drifted away from his wife's views.

The wreckage slowly drifted away.

The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident.

After the band stopped playing, people drifted away in twos and threes.

The crowds drifted away from the stadium.

In his later years, he drifted away from politics.

  • drifted away
  • drifted bank
  • drifted define
  • drifted apart




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