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词汇 drawn out
释义 drawn out
drawn out发音



draw out───取出;拟订;拉长;导致


draws out───取出;拟订;拉长;导致

drawing out───取出;[机]拔长;驶离;拟定(计划)

;own out───(为节电等原因)把灯火弄暗;灯火管制

drag out───拖延

drags out───拖延

drawn off───脱去;放掉;撤退;转移(注意力等)

drawn on───v.以(某人)为付款人;[印刷]硬背装订


Hung - chien bowed politely , and saying goodbye , he left , letting out a long - drawn - out " Phew. "───鸿 渐 鞠躬领教, 兴辞而出, “ phew ” 了一口长气.

The glass was heated and drawn out into a thin tube.───玻璃加热后拉成了一根细管.

Odour drawn out of fallen leaves by the pale filtering sunlight soaked his nostrils.───透进林子里来的淡淡日光把落叶的气味蒸发出来,输进他的鼻管.

After the juice is thus drawn out, the tree Withers and dies.───这些汁水被这样抽出来之后,这棵树就枯萎死亡了。

He's very shy and needs to be drawn out.───他很腆,需要鼓励才肯说话.

It's going to be a long - drawn - out tussle - several months, I should say.───这仗, 望过去还有几个月要打!

Harmful gases must be drawn out by centrifugal ventilator.───有害气体必须通过离心式通风装置排出.

Zoning means the planning decisions which have been made and drawn out on maps.───分区规划指已经做出的规划决策,并已标绘在地图上.

There are a lot of long , drawn - out tunes in this aria.───这个唱段中的拖腔特别多.

They're willing to drag my family through a long , drawn - out trial?───他们存心想让我们一家卷入漫长的官司?

By her sweetness Ivy managed to survive the drawn - out brutality.───艾薇靠着自己随和的性情,总算在持续很久的残忍中生存了下来.

Silver may be drawn out into a wire finer than a human hair.───银可以拉成比头发还细的丝.

Our bag is drawn out smooth, our sweat bead drip downward!───咱们的兜被掏光, 咱们的汗珠往下淌!

She becomes more of what I see in her that is waiting to be drawn out.───她会成为比我见到的那个等着为她画像的那个她更好。

The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth $30 each.───的前10名符合要求的入围者将赢得两张入场券,每张价值$30。

The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth £20 each.───随机抽出的前10位答对问题者将获得两张票,每张价值20英镑。

The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.───通往和平的道路将很漫长。

Pulling out of a recession is a lengthy and drawn-out process.───从经济衰退中走出来需要漫长的过程。


I found myself being drawn out into the audience.

British forces will be drawn out of the troubled area.

There are two major themes to be drawn out in this discussion.

The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth £20 each.

He's very shy and needs to be drawn out.

Several thousand pounds had been drawn out of the account.

Drain off the water that has been drawn out.

The process is likely to be drawn out over several months.

The troops were drawn out of the troubled area.

  • drawn back to
  • drawn about




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