

词汇 dovetail with
释义 dovetail with
dovetail with发音




dovetail joints───燕尾榫;鱼尾榫;鸠尾榫;[木]鸠尾接合

dovetail joint───燕尾榫;鱼尾榫;鸠尾榫;[木]鸠尾接合

deal with───处理;涉及;做生意

dovetail saw───燕尾锯

dovetail saws───燕尾锯


prevail with───劝说;说服

dovetails joint───燕尾榫;鱼尾榫;鸠尾榫;[木]鸠尾接合

done away with───被废除(done是do的过去分词);被取消(done是do的过去分词)


There are some dreams that dovetail with ascension and others that do not.───有一些梦想是和提升相契合的,但有一些却并不契合。

And so, of course, I had to dovetail with that.───因此,我当然不得不这样做。

There are no victims beloved each species chooses their fate and all fates dovetail with all others.───这里没有蒙难者,至爱的人类,每个物种都选择自己的命运,而所有命运彼此吻合。

What really is the point here and how does it dovetail with the setting of the scene, which speaks about hosting Jesus?───到底真正的重点是什么?这个重点是怎样与当时讲到接待耶稣的情景相吻合?

The more you spend, the more people benefit, and the more people get in on the game and dovetail with you.───你花费的越多,人们也越多地受益,人们越愿意加入游戏并与你吻合。

This view is attributed to foreign minister Tzipi Livni, for whom such an approach would dovetail with diplomatic moves.───这是外交部长TzipiLivni的观点,这种做法将配合外交行动。

That would dovetail with statements by other analysts, who have blamed a drop in sales of lower-cost notebooks on the bestselling tablet PC.───这一说法正好与其他分析员的评估结果相吻合。这些分析员把低成本笔记本电脑销售额下降归咎于畅销的平板电脑。

However, a participant took the view that the number of seats should dovetail with the future constitutional system.───但有嘉宾认为,议席数目须与未来的政制衔接。

The residents-resettlement plan shall dovetail with the overall plan of land utilization.───移民安置规划应当与土地利用总体规划相衔接。


Many of the changes dovetail with work by UK and global regulators.

First, dovetail with China's long - term strategic interest in securing access to natural resources.

And although the region's two strongest states still pursue policies that dovetail with America's, they have grown unhelpfully estranged from each other.

New mail-handling systems dovetail with the Post Office's push for efficiency.

These components are specially provided since, although they are commonly available, they need to be tweaked or edited to dovetail with Ambulant.

Might he bring in an experienced, midfield destroyer dovetail with Cesc F á bregas?

That research could dovetail with gene-therapy efforts under way at Chiron.

Grants will dovetail with the expected economic return.

And so of cause I had to dovetail with that.

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