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词汇 donation to
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cotton to───对…产生好感;明白;同意


got on to───转至(另一话题或活动);同……联系;意识到,知道


Organ donation to strangers is considered an unselfish act.───捐赠器官给陌生人是一种无私的行为。

Consider offering a percentage of the sale of particular products or services as a donation to your charitable cause.───考虑按销售中所占的一定百分比,提供的特定产品或服务作为您的慈善公益事业的捐赠。

If you have more money than time, it makes sense to make a donation to non-profit organizations that help poor people.───如果您时间不足但资金充裕,您可以向为穷人提供帮助的非盈利组织捐赠。

His luck seems to change when a rich old college buddy involves him in an important potential donation to the school.───当一位发达了的昔日大学好友带他参与为学校争取一笔重要的潜在捐赠资金时,他的运气似乎有了转机。

He made a donation to this church in the name of his mother.───他以他母亲的名义捐款给这间教堂。

To secure major arms deal contracts, they made a substantial donation to the bank account of the party in power.───为获取大宗武器交易合同,他们给执政党的银行账户捐了一大笔钱。

Mr Chen's donation to his foundation will mostly be in the form of the shares he still holds in Zijin Mining and Tsingtao Brewery .───陈发树向自己基金会所做的捐赠,大部分将以他仍然持有的紫金矿业和青岛啤酒股票为形式。

Marcia's $100 donation to the children's charity was very benevolent of her.───玛西亚给儿童慈善机构捐赠了100美元,她真是个乐善好施的人。

As part of this survey, I offered a prize, and a $100 donation to the FOSS gaming project of the winners choice.───作为这个调查的一部分,我捐献100美元给FOSS游戏项目的最优选择奖。


Would you like to make a donation to our charity appeal?

She made a personal donation to the fund.

Please get in touch, or send a donation to: The Green Party, at the address below.

They made a generous donation to charity.

He made a generous donation to the charity.

Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.

We hope to make a large donation to Cancer Research.

Nor had he made a donation to party funds.

Were it possible for a further donation to be agreed at some point during 1993, I should be most grateful.

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