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词汇 domestic currency
释义 domestic currency
domestic currency发音



domestic science───家政学

domestic violence───家庭暴力

convertible currency───[金融]自由兑换货币;[金融]可兑换货币;[金融]可兑换通货

common currency───统一货币,共同货币

digital currency───数字货币

domestic agenda───国内议程

domestic court───国内法院

domestic courts───国内法院

domestic energy───国内能源


second, many private-sector investors need assets that match liabilities in their domestic currency;───其次,许多私人部门投资者需要以本币计价的资产,以便与自己的债务匹配;

Domestic currency currency exchange rate changes, is the appreciation or depreciation.───本国货币兑换外币比率变化, 是升值或贬值.

true that the domestic central bank takes ownership of foreign currency, but only the domestic currency circulates domestically.───国内央行确实持有外币,但只有本国货币在国内流动。

This will tend to raise imports, worsen the trade balance, and weaken the domestic currency.───这会增加进口, 使贸易差额恶化并使本国货币疲软.

Exactly. A forward premium on foreign currency means a forward discount on domestic currency.───完全正确. 外币的远期升水意味着本币的远期就是贴水.

The Ministry of Railways sold Rmb45bn of seven-, 10- and 15-year domestic currency bonds in November to build new rail lines and improve existing routes───中国铁道部2007年11月发行了7年期、10年期和15年期的境内人民币债券,总规模达450亿元人民币,用于建设新的铁道线路和改进现有线路。

The control authority may also regulate the use of the domestic currency owned by foreign residents.───管汇当局对外国居民持有其本国的货币的使用也加以管制.

What about the domestic currency owned by foreign residents?───外国居民持有本国货币情况 怎么样 ?

In fact, this has been ahead of expectations reflected in the domestic currency and bond markets.───其实, 这一预期已经提前反映在国内的货币和债券市场上.


As a general point banks in many countries were highly regulated in relation to deposits and lending conducted in their own domestic currency.

Foreign currency receipts must be converted into the domestic currency in use in the exporter's country.

The devaluation of the domestic currency, the Indonesian Rupiah, by more than 50 percent and the shutdown of many manufacturing shops had a tremendous impact on people's incomes.

Domestic banking involves taking and making loans in domestic currency to residents of the country where the bank is located.

What about the domestic currency owned by foreign residents?

Domestic currency currency exchange rate changes, is the appreciation or depreciation.

Foreign investors have extremely limited access to Chinese domestic currency mainland shares.

While domestic currency circulation is defined by law, formation of international currency is mainly a process decided by market factors.

Short-term government security issued in domestic currency with maturities not exceeding one year and therefore considered to be a money market instrument.

  • domestic sales
  • domestically creative
  • domestic trade
  • domestic life
  • domesticated raccoon
  • domestic issues
  • domestic flights
  • domesticated ox
  • domestic appliances Co
  • domestic policy
  • domesticated rat
  • domestic airport
  • domestic affair
  • domestic market
  • domestically traveling
  • domesticity sews
  • domesticating foxes
  • domestication of plants
  • domestic appliances
  • domesticating the maidservant
  • domestication syndrome




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