badger game───美人计;敲诈
badger games───美人计;敲诈
numbers game───数字游戏
poker game───扑克游戏
power game───权力游戏;权力竞争
numbers games───数字游戏
board game───棋盘游戏
chess game───棋类游戏
die game───宁死不屈
On Sunday, the 60th anniversary of his first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers, scores of players will pay tribute by wearing his number once more.───周日,在他加入布鲁克林·道奇队第一次参赛60周年纪念日时,很多球员都将再次穿上42号球衣以此致哀。
Inside the box was an autographed picture of Jim Hardin and 2 tickets to an Orioles vs. Dodgers game next month.───盒子里面是一张吉姆.哈丁的亲笔签名照片,和两张下个月的金莺队主场迎战道奇队比赛的入场券。
A baseball stadium that opened last spring with an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, is being demolished.───去年春天一个棒球场开始运行,当时还举办了一场Dodgers和圣地亚哥Padres的表演赛,现在该体育场正在拆除。
So that when he went to work in New York during the day, I could record for him the history of that afternoon's Brooklyn Dodgers game.───所以当他白天去纽约工作时我可以帮他记录那天下午布鲁克林道奇队的比赛。
Her career as a historian began when her father taught the 6-year-old to keep box scores of each Dodgers game.
Top students receive two complimentary tickets to a Dodgers game.
- dodgers game