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词汇 divinely inspired
释义 divinely inspired
divinely inspired发音



finely sliced───细切的

divided skirt───裙裤

divided skirts───分体式裙板

dividend income───[金融]股利收益

divine office───神职

divine offices───神职人员

divine service───祭礼;礼拜

divine services───祭礼;礼拜



Milton's alluding to what he took to be the divinely inspired prophesy of Saint John the divine that ends the New Testament.───弥尔顿的暗示是从,圣约翰的布道中启发的,他是那位完结了《新约》的神学家。

Smith's view that the American constitution was divinely inspired, are patriotic and prone to public service.───史密斯的观点,相信美国享有神的荣光的的教徒们,都很有爱国心,热心于公共服务。

What evidence beyond the Prophet's blazing and divinely inspired words proves that there is a next?───先知的话语感情炽烈,若受神启,但除此之外,还有什么能佐证确有来世?

Its members, following Smith's view that the American constitution was divinely inspired, are patriotic and prone to public service.───其成员——他们信奉斯密认为美国宪法是神圣的这一观点——都是爱国者,并乐于从事公共服务。

He is divinely inspired! -He is arrogant. . . vulgar. . . obscene! -He creates music for the gods! -He is passionate.───他得到神灵的启发!他是自负的、平民化的、淫秽的!他为神而谱曲!他是热情激昂的。

This Wednesday, Mars floats into your dreamy, poetic, divinely inspired 12th house, illuminating areas where you've grown overwhelmed.───这周三,火星进入你的梦想宫,将照亮你生活中所覆盖的一切方面。

A divinely inspired purpose doesn't eliminate those needs, but it does make them much less problematic.───激励目标并不能消除那些实际的需求,但确实可以让它们变得不那么麻烦。

he may attempt it, but he will find that a song in the night must be divinely inspired.───他可能会试看看,但是他将会发现夜晚若能歌唱,必定是上帝所赐的灵感。


It is this knowledge prompted by, and answering to, divinely inspired longing that William Langland gestures towards in Piers Plowman.

It's the divinely inspired holy revelation that brings life.

The kings they portray were a mixture of human heroism, divinely inspired wisdom and very human failings.

Kirk Fordice, it is a divinely inspired idea to wean families off welfare.

Milton's alluding to what he took to be the divinely inspired prophesy of Saint John the Divine that ends the New Testament.

Generals, politicians, and private citizens of the ancient world flocked to Delphi to question the Pythia and seek her divinely inspired advice.

  • divinely inspired
  • divinely uninspired




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