Trivial folk customs
琐碎───trivial;民俗───folk custom
His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.───他的情绪可以通过他对最琐碎的小事的反应来判定。
This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!───这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!
I know it sounds trivial , but I'm worried about it.───我知道这事听起来微不足道,但我还是放心不下。
I didn't expect them to be at daggers drawn over such a trivial thing.───我没料到他们为这一点小事竟会如此势不两立.
Don't get impatient about trivial thing like that.───不要为那种琐事烦躁.
Be patient. Don't lose your temper over trivial matters.───忍着点, 别为了一点小事发火.
Who could have thought a trivial matter would cause such a stir?───没料到芝麻大的事儿竟会引起这样一场轩然大波.
I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter.───我错误地相信了媒体的报道只是小事一桩。
- 民俗琐碎用英语怎么说
- 琐碎用英语怎么说
- trivial issues
- trivial matter
- trivial matters
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- trivial issue
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