

词汇 disastrously wrong
释义 disastrously wrong
disastrously wrong发音




seriously wrong───严重错误

dreadfully wrong───大错特错

disastrous campaign───灾难性战役


disastrous effect───灾难性的影响

disastrous result───灾难性后果


disastrous performance───灾难性的表演


How could everything go so disastrously wrong?───怎么会事事都出这么大的错呢?

In the 1990s, many pension funds made far too big a bet on equities, a gamble that went disastrously wrong in the 2000-02 bear market.───在上个世纪90年代,很多的养老金基金在股票上下的赌注太大,简直就是一场豪赌,在2000 - 02年的熊市中他们则损失惨重。

America have one advantage over history's great-power pairings: they saw the 20th century go disastrously wrong.───历史上的大国双雄,中美有一个优势:他们目睹了20世纪灾难性的错误。

But to conclude from this history that California merely needs to wait for the economic tide to turn once again would be disastrously wrong.───但如果根据历史得出结论说加州仅仅需要等待经济再一次复苏的浪潮将是灾难性的错误。

So the end result of the long campaign against government is that we've taken a disastrously wrong turn.───因此,针对政府的漫长运动的最终结果是我们要接受一次灾难性的错误转折。

Until the recent slump in rates, the bet on dry bulk had looked disastrously wrong.───直到最近费率暴跌之前,对干散货费率的押注看来是灾难性的错误。

The trillion-dollar bet on mortgages has gone disastrously wrong.───对按揭产品上万亿美元的赌注就此成了灾难性的错误。

Stanley's plan to cycle across Canada went disastrously wrong.───史丹利骑单车横越加拿大的计画出了大问题。

China and America have one advantage over history's great-power pairings: they saw the 20th century go disastrously wrong.───与历史上其它强权配对相比,美国和中国有一个优势,那就是双方都看到20世纪发生的灾难性的错误。


Things began to go disastrously wrong.

Operation Market Garden goes disastrously wrong and 35, 000 troops are mostly mis-dropped behind enemy lines.

Their scheme went disastrously wrong.

China and America have one advantage over history's great-power pairings: they saw the 20th century go disastrously wrong.

How could everything go so disastrously wrong?

The experiment went disastrously wrong, ie progressed in an unexpected way with very unpleasant results.

  • disastrously wrong
  • disastrously occurence




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