

词汇 正在录像用英语怎么说
释义 正在录像用英语怎么说

It's being videotaped


正在───in progress


Even the most accomplished writers show their work-in-progress to discerning readers.───即使最有造诣的作家们都会展示他们创作中的作品给有鉴赏力的读者们看。

The building of the bridge is in progress.───桥梁正在建造中.

The controversy over Intelligent Design has been in progress since its naissance.───智能设计论自其诞生以来一直颇受争议.

A funeral wake was in progress.───葬礼前在守灵。

The game was already in progress when we took our seats.───我们坐下来的时候,比赛已经开始了。

He had apparently been under the impression that a military coup was in progress.───他显然一直认为一场军事政变正在进行。

The building of the house is in progress.───房子在建造中.

Please be quiet recording in progress.───正在录音--请勿喧哗.

A ferocious battle to select a new parliamentary candidate is in progress.───推选一位新的议会候选人的激战正酣。

Don't leave when the meeting is in progress.───开会不要中途退场.


Work on the new offices is now in progress.

Discontent is the first step in progress

A funeral wake was in progress.

Please be quiet recording in progress.

A lecture was in progress in the main hall.

There was a cricket match in progress.

Please be quiet-examination in progress.

Building work in progress. Keep out!

An inquiry is now in progress.

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