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词汇 direct current
释义 direct current
direct current发音




direct currents───[电]直流;[电]直流电

air current───[流]气流

dark current───[电子]暗电流

field current───[电]励磁电流

direct correlation───直接相关;正相关

direct coupling───[光]直接耦合;直接联轴器

Peru current───秘鲁洋流

air currents───[流]气流

dark currents───[电子]暗电流


The polarographic behavior of iodoacetic acid has been studied by using single sweep polarography, direct current polarography and cyclic voltammetry.───乙酸的极谱行为已通过单扫描极谱法,直流极谱法和循环伏安法进行了研究。

Adopted unique ventilation system and rotational direct current motor stabilize the hot airflow.───采用独特的导风系统及旋转式直流电机,恒定预热风量.

Direct current cannot use transformers to change voltage.───直流电就不能用变压器来改变电压.

The electrons go on to form a useful direct current.───这些电子然后形成一种可被利用的直流电。

The method is also fit for analyzing bearing of aero direct current start dynamo and alternator.───此方法同样适合于航空直流起动发电机和交流发电机轴承的受力分析.

Its application to permanent magnet direct current motor design expert system verifies its validity and effectiveness.───并将其应用于永磁直流电动机设计专家系统,提高了设计效率,应用结果证明该策略是正确、有效性的.

Some kinds of batteries can be recharged by connecting them to a source of direct current.───一些型号的电池可以连接到直流电源上进行充电。

The convertor station is one of critical facilities in direct current transmission engineering construction.───换流站是直流输电工程建设中的关键性设施之一.

Some kinds of batteries can be recharged by connecting them to a source of direct current.───有些型号的电池在接入直流电源时就能充电。

In this paper, constant frequency EPGS and Voltage Direct Current ( HVDC ) , as an example, is simulated.───本文是以恒频交流电源系统和 高压直流电源 系统为例来进行建模和仿真.

What does DC mean? DC means direct current.───直流)意味着什么? DC就是直流电.

The exploration depth of Audio Magnetotelluric Souding ( AMT ) is deeper than of direct current prospecting.───音频大地电磁测深相对于传统的直流电法勘探具有不受高阻层屏蔽、勘探深度大等优点.

It is common for the direct current circuit to be interfered by alternating current voltage.───直流回路受到交流电压干扰,是控制回路中容易产生的现象.

We used to weld pipes with direct current ( D . C ) are welder ( alternating current A . C. welder ).───我们总是用直流 ( 交流 ) 电弧焊机焊接管子.

Thermal recovery boiler, the key equipment of heavy crude extraction, is a direct current horizontal boiler.───热采锅炉是热力开采稠油的关键设备, 为卧式直流锅炉.

And build brand direct current position and navigation by making use of radar monitor.───运用雷达图监测原理建立品牌导航定位系统.

At the moment, data centres perform many conversions between alternating current ( AC ) and direct current ( DC ).───目前, 数据中心在交流电和直流电间要进行多次转化.

Direct Current ( DC ) Direct current is current with no reversals in polarity.───直流直流是指没有正负极性往复变化的电流.

Direct current and below they are brandishing buoyantly folding fan, thought boundless.───顺流而下的他们轻飘飘的挥动着折扇, 思想漫无边际.

Transformer cannot operate on direct current, which would burn out the wire in the transformer.───变压器不能使用直流电, 因为直流电会烧坏其中的电线.

A device for converting alternating into direct current.───把交流变为直流的器件.

Currents from electric batteries are called direct current.───来自电池的电流称为直流电.

If the electric field added is unchangeable, what produces is the direct current.───如果所加的电场不变, 产生的是直流电.

A direct current is a current which flows in one direction only.───直流电是沿着一个方向流动的电流.

The direct current will cause problems only if you travel upstream.───单向水流只有在你逆流而上时才会造成麻烦.

Power Direct Current ( DC ) input and Alternating Current ( AC ) input were designed respectively in this thesis.───本文设计了直流输入和交流线电压输入下的平面 介质阻挡 放电光源的高频高压电源电路.


Some kinds of batteries can be recharged by connecting them to a source of direct current.

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