

词汇 direct action
释义 direct action
direct action发音



direct actions───直接行动;直接作用

direct motion───顺行

direct taxation───[税收]直接征税

direct motions───顺行

direct injection───[动力]直接喷射;直接注入;直接射出法

direct taxations───[税收]直接征税

direct question───直接问句

direct connection───[计]直接连接

direct injections───[动力]直接喷射;直接注入;直接射出法


Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change.───只有采取大规模直接行动,我们才会取得这样的改变。

Even if it doesn't work, there is something healthy and invigorating about direct action.───直接的行动即使不能奏效,也富有健康的朝气。

Now, direct action.───现在,也该有所行动了。

It would appear that climate has some direct action on the hair of our domestic quadrupeds.───气候对于家养四足兽的毛皮,似乎是有些直接作用的.

Functionally, there is evidence showing a direct action of gonadotropins on ovarian tumor cell growth.───证据表明促性腺激素在功能上对于卵巢肿瘤细胞生长具有直接作用.

More direct action is required.───需要更直接的行动.

We need more direct action.───我们需要更为直接的行动。

We shall not get anywhere unless we take direct action ourselves.───除非我们亲自采取直接行动,否则我们就不会成功.

Shareholder action system comprises shareholder direct action and shareholder derivative action.───股东诉讼制度包括股东直接诉讼和股东派生诉讼.

The Vienna is an example of a direct – action virus. Most other viruses are resident.───维也纳病毒是立即执行型病毒的一个例好, 大多数其他病毒则是驻留型的.

Earth is taking direct action as the pattern of combustion is so devastating unto her field.───地球正在采取直接行动,因为自我焚化的模式对她能量场的摧毁是如此之大.

The direct action of changed conditions leads to definite or indefinite results.───改变了的条件的直接作用,产生一定的或不定的结果.

The gens attempted to uproot the entire conjugal system of the period by its direct action.───氏族组织曾打算采取直接行动根除这个时期流行的整个同居制度.

The development of a direct action Safety interlock device controlled machine and electricity is introduced.───介绍了一种机电控制直接作用式快开门压力容器安全连锁装置的研制过程.

At other times it has been by His own direct action.───有时,祂又会亲自直接行动.


But the mechanism of direct action is unknown and the subject remains highly contentious.

I have always believed in direct action.

Environmental groups are threatening direct action if plans for the new road go ahead.

Peaceful direct action by pressure groups has a powerful effect on public opinion.

Meanwhile, direct action against nuclear tests becomes more frequent.sentencedict.com/direct action.html

We felt we had to take direct action.

Soon direct action civil rights protesters were busily working with the administration to register voters.

He wanted a campaign of direct action and mass protest, not an organisation which would take up individual cases of discrimination.

Consequently, nonviolent direct action as a strategy endured.

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