daily requirement───日常需求
entry requirements───入学要求;入职要求;入境条件
safety requirement───安全要求;安全规定;安全规格
visa requirement───签证要求
statutory requirement───法定要求;法定规定
dietary supplement───食品强化剂;食物的补充
early retirement───[劳经]提前退休;内退
formal requirement───形式要求
military equipment───军事装备;武装
What is the dietary requirement of costive patient?───便秘患者的饮食要求是什么?
RESULTS the dietary requirement (nutritional density) calculated by the panel were no significantly different from the ordinary method.───结果:用通用营养尺计算的一日膳食营养结果与标准法比较无显著性差异。
What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient?───胃和十二指肠溃疡患者的饮食要求是什么?
What is the dietary requirement of the turn of life?───更年期的饮食要求是什么?
What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient?───胃和十二指溃疡患者的饮食要求是什么?
What is the dietary requirement of cold patient?───感冒患者的饮食要求是什么?
What is the dietary requirement of cancer patient?───癌症患者的饮食要求是什么?
There isn't a dietary requirement for potassium, " says Kathleen Cappellano, nutrition-information manager at Tufts University in Boston. "But a good goal is about 2000 milligrams or more a day."───对钾并没有饮食方面的要求,”波士顿塔夫斯大学的营养信息负责人Kathleen Cappellano表示,“但最好的目标是能达到每天2000毫克或更多。”
What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient?
What is the dietary requirement of the turn of life?
What is the dietary requirement of costive patient?
- dietary need crossword
- dietary fats
- dietary supplements