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词汇 deviating from
释义 deviating from
deviating from发音



dating from───从什么时候开始

drawing from───从…中得到;从…提取


dragging from───拖拽

keeping from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制

repeating firearm───重复火器

coming from───来自;由……开来


Allow users flexibility, yet make the risks of deviating from standard practices known.───允许用户灵活性,但造成了偏离已知的标准实践的风险。

Coding bugs cause improper program behavior (behavior deviating from the requirements).───编码错误会导致不正确的程序行为(偏离需求的行为)。

China has embraced capitalism, arguing that Chairman Mao erred by deviating from Marx's writings and trying to skip the capitalist stage.───中国已经接受了资本主义,认为毛主席偏离马克思主义的著作试图略过资本主义阶段这是不对的。

However, deviating from optimistic estimate of the Communist Party of China, many peasants did not join evolution actively and bravely.───但与中共的乐观估计不同的是,许多农民并没有积极勇敢地起来参加革命。

These adjectives mean not deviating from what is common, usual, or to be expected.───这些形容词意为不偏离正常的、通常的或期望的事物。

deviating from what is usual or common or to be expected; often somewhat odd or strange.───背离惯例的、普通的或预期的方面的;通常有些不固定或生疏。

He and his colleagues noticed soon afterwards that the sibling crafts' trajectories were deviating from those predicted by Einstein.───他和他的同事后来很快发现这两个飞行器的轨迹线与爱因斯坦所预言的相背离。

Large, complex enterprises may often have good reasons for deviating from some of the recommendations.───大型的复杂企业可能通常有背离这些建议的充分理由。


In order to control the influence of false examples, the distance of each sample deviating from the mean of background example is mapped into the sample as weighting coefficient.

Any deviation in saving or attempting to save life or property at sea or any reasonable deviation shall not be deemed to be an act deviating from the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

The cathode polarization: dc through electrode, the cathode potential deviating from the balance to the negative potential moves in the direction of the phenomenon.

In mutual funds, the standard deviation tells us how much the return on the fund is deviating from the expected normal returns.

So in this text the discussion of the general arbitration clauses or arbitration law can be found, but it doesn't mean deviating from the theme.

Coding bugs cause improper program behavior (behavior deviating from the requirements).

  • deviating from
  • deviating energy terraria




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