There was a fire in the teaching building last night
教学楼───academic building
The second chapter of the Community News of the academic building.───第二章介绍了社区新闻的学理建构。
At least 30 people were killed when a man opened fire in a Virginia Tech dorm and then in an academic building before he was killed.───一名男子在弗吉尼亚理工大学里开枪射击,先是在一间宿舍,随后在一栋教学楼里,他被击毙之前杀了至少30人。
Tuesday, 7 July 2009 Academic Building, Stanley Ho Building, Luso-Chinese Building, K. C. Wong Building.───7月7日星期二教学楼、何鸿燊楼、中葡楼、王宽诚楼。
Marxist theory a good academic building, which is one of the basic work of the integrity of Marxist theory.───做好马克思主义理论一级学科建设工作,其中基础性的工作之一就是马克思主义理论的整体性研究。
There are beautiful flowers on the way to our academic building.───在我们去教学楼的路上有很多美丽的花儿。
Lingnan University Names an Academic Building as B. Y. Lam Building───岭南大学举行林炳炎楼命名典礼
The thinking on academic building of cooking and nutrition education in our institute───关于我院烹饪与营养教育专业学科建设方向的思考
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- academic radiology
- academic achievement
- falsifying academic records
- academic life
- academic search premier
- academic bing
- attained academic
- academic dean
- academic hub
- path academics