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词汇 无家可归的孩子用英语怎么说
释义 无家可归的孩子用英语怎么说

homeless children




The scheme has been set up to help homeless people.───这个计划的目的是帮助无家可归的人。

For the homeless, private medical care is simply out of the question.───对于无家可归的人而言,私人医疗纯粹是天方夜谭。

Hundreds have been killed in the fighting and thousands made homeless.



Lack of security of tenure was a reason for many families becoming homeless.───居住权得不到保证是许多家庭居无定所的一个原因。

In every major city there are more vacant buildings than there are homeless people.───各大城市里空置的楼房都比无家可归的人多。

Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.───卡勒姆初到格拉斯哥,没有工作,无家可归,无人倾诉,在文化冲击中挣扎。

The prisoner described himself as a homeless wanderer.───那个囚犯自称是一个无家可归的流浪汉.

There are those, you know, who, by circumstance, end up homeless.───您知道,会有那么一些人,因为命运捉弄而落得无家可归。

Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless.───去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

The company put on a play about the homeless.───这家剧团上演了一出讲述无家可归者的戏。

Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people.───今天,我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题.


My heart ached for the starving homeless children.

They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the city's homeless.

He found himself homeless after his marriage broke up.

She's received plaudits for her work with homeless people.

Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.

Providing homeless people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold only skates round the problem, it doesn't solve it.

She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.

We're having a lottery to raise money for homeless families.

Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.

  • 无家可归的孩子用英语怎么说
  • homeless to harvard
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  • homeless person
  • homeless shelters
  • homeless people
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  • homeless shelter




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