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词汇 deep south
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deep South───美国的南方腹地(指美国最具有南方特点、最保守的一片地区)

deep sigh───深深的叹息

deep state───深能态

the south───南方,南部

deep discounts───高折价,较大折扣

deep states───深能态

deep discount───高折价,较大折扣


His state is in the deep south.───他所在的州位于南方腹地.

Zelda had hawk's eyes and a thin mouth and deep - south manners and accent.───姗尔达有一双鹰一样的眼睛,嘴唇薄薄的,举止和口音带着南方腹地的色彩.

Alabama is known as the Heart of Dixie because it is in the very middle of a group of states in the Deep South.───阿拉巴马州被称为美国“南部各州的中心”(Heart of Dixie),因为它地处美国最南部各州的正中心。

The poverty of the Deep South is less southern than rural.───更南端的农村地区的贫困程度比南部腹地更严重。

The deep south of Central Asia has a feel all its own.───中亚的南方深处彷佛遗世独立一般.

Much of the Deep South is still getting snow , sleet, and rain.───许多南部地区仍然遭受着大雪, 冰雨和大雨中.

SUMMER in America's deep South is usually a mixture of backyard barbecues, baseball games and sweet tea.───美国南方的夏日总是充满了消遣——后院烧烤聚会、棒球赛和冰红茶。


Boca do Acre, a cattle-ranching town in the deep south of Amazonas state, is one of the new frontlines of the government's war on illegal deforestation.

And freezing weather is gripping the Deep South, including Florida's orange groves and beaches.

Politically, it's the Deep South, a former bastion of the hard right of the Afrikaner political spectrum.

Summer is hot and muggy in the Deep South.

Last September, Mike Halterman launched the Deep South’s first regional lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered magazine, Out on the Town.

among many people in the Deep South of the United States.

Harper Lee's awesome novel of the deep south in the midst of the Depression is always an excellent choice for high school students.

He wants to make the handover in the deep south of Thuringia, up near the Bavarian border.

His state is in the deep south.

  • deep rock
  • deep hug
  • deep fear
  • deep music
  • deep from
  • deepening shadows
  • deepness in the sky
  • deep down low
  • deep freezer
  • deepness syn
  • deep wrinkle
  • deep structure
  • deep brown
  • deepen voice permanently
  • deepen voice
  • deep south
  • deepens syn
  • deep dowgone
  • deep y
  • deepens the
  • deep cleansing balm




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