

词汇 decked out
释义 decked out
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ducked out───逃避;逃走

checked out───检验;结账离开;通过考核;盖章;登记并借出

backed out───退出;收回;食言,违约

deck out───装饰,打扮;盛装打扮

decks out───装饰,打扮;盛装打扮

eked out───v.竭力维持;弥补…的不足

kicked out───v.解雇;开除;把球踢出界

locked out───乌龙差佬(电影名)

lucked out───走好运;逢凶化吉;侥幸成功


The room was decked out in flowers and balloons.───屋子里装点着鲜花和气球。

Most gypsy visitors are decked out in their best outfits.───大多数吉卜赛人都会穿上他们最美的服饰。

He told about Christmas-eve, when he was decked out with cakes and candles.───他讲了圣诞节前夕的故事,那时他被打扮得漂漂亮亮的,装饰着蛋糕和蜡烛。

Decked out in a black Elvis-type jumpsuit, Vigil pulled an oxygen tank behind him with a breathing tube attached to his nose.───他身穿黑色的“猫王式”连身衣,身上背了个氧气罐,鼻子上插着一根呼吸管。

She was decked out in her nicest outfit for the party.───她穿着她最漂亮的衣服去参加这派对。

She was all decked out in her Sunday best.───她穿上最好的衣服,打扮得十分光鲜。

Riverside to Keep the tall willows, was decked out with shaggy, turning the ingots, as if his wore a winter-loaded, it then vibrant.───河边的杨柳高高地昂着头,身上挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条,仿佛自己穿上了一身冬天的亮装,显得那么生机勃勃。

The children were all decked out in their Sunday best.───孩子们穿上最好的衣服,打扮得十分光鲜。

Verily many things are wondrous, and haply tales decked out with cunning fables beyond the truth make false men's speech concerning them.───许多事情却是神奇,偶尔一些传说为那狡诈的谎言修饰,超出了真实,让人们言及时也语犯虚妄。


They were all decked out in their Sunday best.

  • decked with




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