

词汇 dead center
释义 dead center
dead center发音


n.死点,静点; 死顶点


dead centre───死点;僵持点;正中心

dead centers───[机]死点;静点

dead centres───死点;僵持点;正中心

dead letter───死信(无法投寄的信);形同虚设的规定

dead letters───死信(无法投寄的信);形同虚设的规定

top dead center───[机]上死点

data center───[计]数据中心;资料中心


dead matter───无机物质,[印刷]待拆活字版


eye then climbs up toward the middle peak at dead center top, then finally to the upper left of the frame.───眼睛朝着正当中的中间高峰向上攀登,于是终于爬到了到画面的左上角。

Two TDC ( Top Dead Center ) sensors are mounted at the rear of the single camshaft.───两个上死点的传感器安装在凸轮轴的后面.

On the upward piston strokes, the exhaust valves are open until the piston is nearly at TDC (top dead center).───在活塞向上中风,排气阀门打开,直至活塞几乎是在香港贸易发展局(上止点) 。

The dead center , being a stationary bearing point, must be lubricated.───由于是固定的支承点, 死顶尖必须润滑.

Photo Tip: Mentally divide your frame into thirds-down and across. Avoid positioning your subject dead center.───拍照提示:心里面把取景框纵横三分,避免你的主体出现在死气沉沉的中心。

The arrow hit the target dead center.───那支箭正中靶心.

Turn the piston to the top dead center.───将活塞转到上止点.

The tribune seats were exquisite - dead center of the track, just meters away from the asphalt.───即席记者席的位置太好了–正好位于跑道中心, 距离跑道只有几米远.

Fred fired without thinking, a full auto burst , dead center of mass.───佛瑞德想也没想就开火了, 整整一梭子, 射向心脏部位.

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