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drawing from───从…中得到;从…提取

dragging from───从拖动

coming from───来自;由……开来

date from───追溯到;始于;起源于

dated from───追溯到;始于;起源于

dates from───追溯到;始于;起源于

drawing frame───[纺]并条机;图框

barking frog───吠蛙

keeping from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制


Ellora, with its uninterrupted sequence of monuments dating from A.───高高的陡峭玄武岩壁上, 34座洞穴庙宇被开凿出来,一座挨一座,延伸2000多米.

After lunch there will be a walk in the grounds of the chateau to see the Jugendstil nymph fountains, a work dating from 1903 by Walter Schott.───午餐后,我们将在城堡内散步,参观“青年派”风格女神雕像喷泉,这是沃尔特·肖特1903年创作的作品。

Perhaps the most celebrated tale in Japan concerning dragons is related in the country's oldest existing book, the Kojiki, a chronicle dating from around the end of the seventh century.───在日本关于龙最著名的的故事也许与这个国家现存的历史最悠久的书——《古事记》有关,这部编年史可以追溯到大约七世纪末。

The City of London doles out licences under byelaws dating from 1876.───伦敦金融城沿袭了1876年制定的条例规则限制发放搬运工执照.

Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden were each ordered to cough up monies which go into European Union budgets after ruling on infringements dating from 1998 to 2002.───从1998年到2002年的侵权裁决后,丹麦,芬兰,德国,希腊,意大利和瑞典各国都被下令坦白交出进入欧盟预算的资金。

We received a report dating from Beijing.───我们收到一篇发自北京并注明日期的报道.

This is an enchanting old inn, dating from the sixteenth century.───这是个始于16世纪的迷人的老式客栈.

Blarney Castle ( dating from the 15 th century ) is the site of the Blarney Stone and persuasion.───布拉尼城堡 ( 始于15世纪 ) 是布拉尼石的所在地.

There are two main traditions within Buddhism, dating from its earliest history.───佛教有两个主要传统, 它们都可以追溯到其历史早期.

The priciple of cyclic sedimentation applies to deposits dating from earliest Paleozoic time to the Holocene.───旋回沉积原理适用于始于最早的古生代迄至全新世的沉积物.

It was the corpse of a stone age man dating from frozenever found.───这具生活于石器时代的乾尸,是迄今史上最远古时候的乾尸.

It's well - known for its collection of bronzeware, the oldest dating from the Shang dynasty.───这博物馆以收藏青铜器出名, 最古的青铜器是商朝的.


a site of ancient fortifications dating from about 500 B.C.

Over 75,000 nostalgic exhibits dating from 1850 to 1950 crammed into many old-fashioned shop and room displays.

According to an apocryphal work dating from the third century, Thomas's mission takes him even further.

Whighams Wine Cellars Old wine cellar dating from 1800.

Gernsheim reproduces a noteworthy example dating from 1873.

Some 150 drawings and sketchbooks dating from 1954 to 1995 will be on view through April 28.

It is a beautiful vase dating from about 1715.

Press photos by Nancy Urrut a dating from 1980 give an appalling view into what daily life in the dictatorship looked like.

Golf Tavern A fine old hostelry, dating from 1456, rich in character.

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