

词汇 dance of death
释义 dance of death
dance of death发音




dance of deaths───象征死亡的舞蹈;死亡之舞

cancer death───癌症死亡

wall of death───死亡之墙(一种飞车走避表演)

Angel of Death───死亡天使(电影名)

face death───面对死亡

fear of death───对死亡的恐惧

kiss of death───n.死亡之吻(表面看上去有益但实际上具有毁灭性的行为或事务)


dance of death which sounds so musically was sure intended for the corpse de ballet.───死神的舞蹈,听起来是那么地悦耳动人,一定是冥界的芭蕾。

This is why a bull fighting match is also known as the dance of death.───这也正是斗牛又被称做“死亡之舞”的原因所在。

macabre meant macabre why call the dance of death macabre?───macabre怎么又跟死亡之舞扯上了?

4 months after it was opened, those winds sent the bridge into a rhythmic dance of death.───通车4个月后,风让大桥舞出了死亡的旋律。

The lightning flashed in a wild dance of death, and thunder came from every part of the huge sky.───一道电光闪过,跳着狂烈的死亡之舞,接着雷声从广阔天空的四面八方传来。

This dance of death which sounds so musically was sure intended for the corpse de ballet.───这支死亡之舞听起来如此的动听肯定是为了死者能够跳芭蕾。

But before macabre meant macabre why call the dance of death macabre?───那macabre怎么又跟死亡之舞扯上了?

I come to dance the dance of death.───我到此舞出死亡之舞。

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