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词汇 damping effect
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damaging effect───损伤效应

calming effect───镇静作用;舒缓效果

domino effect───多米诺效应(政治术语,指一事件引起连锁反应)

lasting effect───持续效果

Raman effect───喇曼效应

damping off───立枯病,猝倒病

damping offs───枯萎;腐败


Rotor blade connection according to claim 1 wherein individual elastomer dampers are arranged to provide a damping effect in a lead-lag bending direction of the support beam.───转子叶片方面,根据权利要求1,其中个别弹性阻尼器的安排,以提供一个阻尼效应在带头滞后弯曲方向的支持束。

The results from time-domain simulation and eigenvalue analysis prove that the proposed controller can provide good damping effect so far as to different time lags.───时域仿真和特征值分析结果均证明该控制器具有的良好阻尼效果,在不同的时滞下仍然可以很好地提供阻尼。

gas spring is researched and designed to acquired lower resonance frequency and best damping effect, which has low regimens.───研究设计气体弹簧,利用其低刚度获得较低的共振频率,从而获得舒适的运送效果。

These conditions have had a damping effect on composites manufacturing for residential new-construction and remodeling markets.───以上环境对用于住宅新建筑物建造及改建市场的复合材料制造具有阻碍作用。

The result of simulation shows that the damper has better stability and vibration damping effect.───仿真表明,该控制器具有较好的稳定性和良好的减振效果。

The damping effect of the honeycomb can reduce the influence of the inlet preswirl on the total temperature difference.───蜂窝面的阻尼作用会削弱预旋对密封内温升特性的影响;

But for the different positions of isolation layer, the damping effect of the structures also differ very obviously.───但因为隔震层位置的改变,结构的减震效果也产生了很大的变化。

Support a reasonable choice of the number and layout can achieve more satisfactory damping effect.───合理的选用支撑的数量和布置方式可以达到比较理想的减震效果。

The results show that the large the vibration intensity, the better the damping effect will be.───结果表明:振动越大,金属橡胶材料的减振效果越好。


In order to have a better damping effect, the design parameters of the built-in damping boring bar should be optimized in the design stage.

Under joint efforts with others, he studied radiation damping effect and its effect on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) linear, and developed the rotation operator approach of Nuclear Spin Dynamics.

The damper plate overcomes the disadvantage of poor damping effect to low-frequency vibration and has good damping effect to both low-frequency vibration and high-frequency vibration.

General elastomer life of 10 years. As with elastic buffer, damping effect, so there is a strong vibration in situations to use more.

In the present paper, the pressure-pulse damping effect of the hydropneumatic accumulator is discussed and a measure to raise the damping effect is suggested.

A simplified method using transfer matrix method was applied to the analysis and calculation of the vibration damping effect induced by dry friction snubber on the blade platform.

The results show that damping effect is better when damping ditch closes with protected object, vice versa.

As with elastic buffer, damping effect, so there is a strong vibration in situations to use more.

At last, reviewed collection data, and generated report forms of extremum , virtual value, damping effect and printed them.

  • damping constant
  • damping resistor
  • damping effect
  • damping coefficient




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