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词汇 把它登在报纸和电视上用英语怎么说
释义 把它登在报纸和电视上用英语怎么说

Put it in newspapers and on TV




Deng : Yes , I am aware of these things . They do exist.───邓: 我了解,是有这种现象.

Vice Mayor Deng Qunfang delivered the awards to the recipients.───副市长邓群芳为获奖者颁发了奖状.

Summarized professor Deng Yi experience on treating chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ).───总结了邓沂教授治疗慢性疲劳 综合征 的经验.

Deng : He should ask Vietnam to withdraw all its troops from Kampuchea.───邓: 要越南从柬埔寨全部撤军.

Deng Yaping, the legendary player , proved invisible in Barcelona.───邓亚萍是传奇式人物, 她在巴塞罗那战无不胜.

Jeff: Look ! Is that the photo of Deng Yaping?───杰夫: 你看,那不是邓亚萍的照片 吗 ?

Whether it is able to undertake these heavy tasks given by Deng?───它能否担当起邓先生所赋予它的那些重任?

I am Deng Yaping , four - time Olympic gold medallist in table tennis.───我是邓亚萍, 四次奥运会乒乓球冠军.

She becomes a national champion, her name is Deng Yaping.───她后来成为乒乓球国手, 她的名字叫邓亚萍.

Maz á k responded that his team and Deng's team had studied different species.───黄骥回应说他的团队和邓涛的团队研究的是不同的种类.


Deng closely aligned himself with this stance.

Deng retreated further from public view, only to re-emerge in early 1992 with his trip to the south.

Deng was the son of a prosperous landowner.

Deng was made senior deputy premier and soon added party and military posts.

Deng responded optimistically that the outlook was still bright.

Deng, who had been urging Kim for years to follow his reformist example, encouraged him anew.

Like Mao before him, Deng doggedly clung to power, despite becoming less mentally sharp in his final years.

Free world and Communist leaders alike condemned Deng and his government.

Taban Deng was governor of Unity state, at the heart of the oil industry, when the Red Sea pipeline opened.

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