

词汇 我丢了一块橡皮用英语怎么说
释义 我丢了一块橡皮用英语怎么说

I lost an eraser




The doctors decided that a rubber pipe would have to be let in to enable him to breathe.───医生们决定得插一个橡皮管进去,好使他能呼吸.

Rubber became the staple of the Malayan economy.───橡胶成了马来亚经济的支柱产品。

If plastic and rubber are burnt, they'll give off poisonous gases.───要是塑料和橡胶被焚, 就会放出有毒的气体.

Some of the prisoners were beaten about the head with rubber truncheons.───一些囚犯头部遭到橡皮警棍的击打.

Rubber will not let water through.───水浸不透橡胶.

We bartered for furs with tobacco and rubber.───我们用烟草和橡胶换取毛皮.

Now they wear rubber fingers treated with lactic acid.───现在他们带上了用乳酸处理过的橡皮指套.

The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.───楼梯踏板上覆盖着橡胶以防滑.

Foam rubber provides good insulation.───泡沫橡胶隔绝性能良好.

Pencil marks can be erased with a rubber.───铅笔的痕迹可被橡皮擦掉.


Tires are made of rubber.

The rubber raft drifted out to sea.

Tyres are almost always made of rubber.

Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration.

Rubber is a flexible substance.

Rubber will not let water through.

Rubber boots are impervious to water.

Put a rubber band round these books.

He stretched the rubber band till it snapped.

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  • butyronitrile rubber
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  • rubber soles
  • chlorinated rubber pool paint
  • fluorous rubber
  • rubbers 7
  • rubber boat
  • vulcanized rubber invention
  • big rubbers
  • shrubbery trimmers




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