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词汇 crying out for
释义 crying out for
crying out for发音



trying out for───竞争;参加选拔

cried out for───迫切需要

cries out for───迫切需要

cry out for───迫切需要

going out for───努力争取;(运动员、运动队)尽力参加选拔赛

looking out for───留心,提防;留意找,设法得到

sending out for───派…去取

coming up for───提出;出现,来了

crying out───v.大声呼喊;大声抱怨


The company is crying out for fresh new talent.───公司急需具有最新理念的人才。

Japan is crying out for bolder policy proposals, too.───日本在政策上也亟需更大胆的提议。

I heard someone crying out for help.───我听见有人呼救。

After years of war and a trade embargo that ended in 2003, the country is crying out for investment in just about everything.───2003年,数年的战争和贸易禁令结束后,伊拉克急切需要各行各业的投资。

"For most of the pre-season we have been crying out for a recognised left-back, " he said.───“在赛季前我们一直感到很杯具的一件事就是没有个好用的左后卫,”他说。

It's been a long day and your body is crying out for a delicious moment of rest.───你已经度过了漫长的一天,你的身体正在大声疾呼要享受一下这美妙的休息时刻。

It would be a tragedy for big infrastructure companies to suffer when the developing world is crying out for infrastructure investment.───发展中国家极度缺乏基础设施投资,对大型基建企业将是一场悲剧。

It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window.───在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。

It's not as though there are any glaring holes left. Nobody is still crying out for a better way to organize photos.───似乎已经没有什么耀眼的漏洞等待解决。也不会有人跟你哭求更好的管理照片的方式。


People are crying out for free elections.

The company is crying out for fresh new talent.

The organization is crying out for more people.

The group is crying out for new members.

This room is crying out for a new carpet.

My insides are crying out for food.

The country is crying out for a change in leadership.

The garden is crying out for rain.

The education system in Britain was crying out for reform.

  • crying marriage
  • crying on my shoulder
  • crying need
  • crying shame




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