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词汇 很多孩子都喜欢美猴王用英语怎么说
释义 很多孩子都喜欢美猴王用英语怎么说

Many children like monkey king


美猴王───Monkey King;孩子───children


People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King.───据说这里就是孙悟空的洞府.

Monkey King, you have so many excuses. You don't want to get scr � � ptures in the west.───观音:哼!悟空, 你诸多借口, 你根本就不想去取西经!

The monkey king sought masters everywhere, and finally mastered extraordinary ability.───孙悟空四处求师学艺, 终于学成了通天的本领.

Monkey King, be polite to Goddess!───悟空, 你怎么可以这样跟观音姐姐讲话呢?

Although the Monkey King had severely penalized the black-hearted abbot, he lost the master's cassock once again.───孙悟空虽然惩罚了黑心的方丈,却再次弄丢了师傅的袈裟。

You think you are the Monkey King who can create havoc in Heaven? You flatter yourself!───你以为你是孙悟空 吗,还想翻天呢,没门儿!

David dressed up as Monkey King.───戴维装扮成美猴王的样子.

The most important thing is to have a far - off top - the Monkey King.───最主要的是顶上有个远客 —— 孙悟空.


Kwan-yin:Monkey King, you bastard.

San Mao, the Monkey King, a small broken child, Rainbow Blue cat rabbit are all present on derivatives of the popular animated cartoon made.

Monkey King had to seek help from Guanyin ( a Bodhisattva ).

Westlake Lungching, Meitan jade bud, Yellow Mountain Pekoe Peak, Japan sencha, Lu Mountain Clouds-Mist, Pi Lo Chun(Green Snail Spring), Japan Jade Dew (Gyokuro ), Taiping Monkey King.

People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King.

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