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词汇 待人友善用英语怎么说
释义 待人友善用英语怎么说

Be friendly


待人───Treat others;友善───friendly


Dr. Twardon reminds us that we all have a little bit of these personalities in ourselves, so treat others as you would like to be treated.───瓦尔登博士提醒我们,我们自己的性格中都会有一点这些个性,所以你希望别人如何对待你,你就如何对待别人。

It shows by the way you treat others.───这从你对待他人的方式上可以看得出来。

men are created equal, so on no account should we treat others like dirt.───人人生而平等,所以我们不应视他人如草芥。

Twardon reminds us we all have a little bit of these personalities in ourselves, so treat others as you would like to be treated.───托登医生提醒我们:我们自己的性格中都会有一点这些个性,所以要像你希望自己被对待的方式那样来对待别人。

True. But it just seems petty not to give her one. I'd rather follow the golden rule: Treat others as you want them to treat you.───那是事实,如果我们不送红包给他,这似乎显得我们有点心胸狭窄。我倒愿意遵循一些乡规民俗,你想别人怎样善待你,你就怎样善待别人。

In raising our children there is one thing I always try to remember, treat others as you wish to be treated.───在育儿方面有一点我一直试图记住:以你自己乐于接受的方式对待别人。

God may allow you total freedom, but that does not mean that you can treat others just as you wish.───上帝会允许你们完全的自由,但这并不意味着你们可以无所顾忌地对待别人。

I give you thanks, Lord Jesus, for having so much loving compassion on me. Please help me to treat others with compassion for your sake.───主耶稣,感谢祢对我的诸般怜悯,求祢帮助我为祢的缘故,以怜悯待人。

But whatever the situation, the best advice is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated .───但是无论在任何情况下,最好的建议是服从黄金法则:己成为你想成为的治疗。


Treat others sincerely you can get times doubler get one's own back!

You should treat others kindly.

In the real world, men actually lack respect for justice, and often treat others unfairly and unjustly. Dr T.P.Chia 

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