

词汇 形容词拥挤的用英语怎么说
释义 形容词拥挤的用英语怎么说

Adjectives crowded




In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.───法语中形容词必须在数和性上与名词一致。

Very good, students. An attributive adjective a noun. An attributive adjective also comes before a noun.───非常好, 同学们. 定语形容词用来修饰名词. 定语形容词放在名词的前面.

In " the black cat " the adjective " black " modifies the noun " cat " .───在the black cat这一词组中,形容词 black 修饰名词cat.

Rather wishing his modest adjective away, Mr. Lorry replied,'No, no, no.───罗瑞先生颇想收回那个客气的形容词, 回答道, “ 不, 不, 不.

An attributive clause is a clause that modifies a noun an adjective or prepositional phrase does.───在复合句中,主句中的名词可以由从句来修饰.用来修饰主句中名词的从句就叫定语从句.

Question 36 : What rules apply when to change an adjective into its comparison form?───形容词转化为其比较级的形式有何规则可循?

Can you say out more adjective words?───挑战自已:你能说出更多的形容词 吗 ?

Delicious is the adjective that best fits this cigar.───美味是最符合这款雪茄的形容词.

In " blue pencils ", the adjective " blue " qualifies the noun " pencils ".───在 " 蓝铅笔 " 中形容词 " 蓝 " 修饰名词 " 铅笔 ".

We add the suffix " ly " to make the adjective " quick " into the adverb " quickly ".───我们在形容词 “ quick ” 后加 “ ly ” 构成副词 “ quickly ”.


'My'is a possessive adjective.

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  • superlative adjective
  • predicate adjective
  • possessive adjectives
  • girded adjective
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