

词汇 credit card bills
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credit card bill───信用卡账单

credit card details───信用卡详细信息

credit card terminals───信用卡终端

credit card debt───信用卡债务

credit cards───信用卡

credit card terminal───信用卡终端

credit card───信用卡;记帐卡


The French may not be troubled by heavy mortgages or credit-card bills, but fears of unemployment are rising as recession takes hold.───法国人虽然没有沉重的抵押贷款和信用卡账目,但随着经济危机逐步加深,人们对失业的担忧与日俱增。

If you have a creative dream (e. g., acting), it might not always be possible to rely on earnings from your art to get the credit card bills paid.───如果你有大胆的梦想(如演戏),可能常常来说你的梦想并不能为你的医疗账单付费。

That includes debt from credit card bills, child support, medical bills, utility bills, parking tickets or membership fees.───这包括信用卡账单,孩子的支持,医疗账单,物业帐单 ,停车票或会员费。

Not only can you get unwanted items out of your way, you can use the money you make to pay down some of those credit card bills.───这样你不仅可以打发那些不需要的物品还可以用赚来的钱支付一些信用卡账单。

A few years later, they've got a load of debt ---- many of them with thousands of dollars in student loans and credit card bills.───短短几年后,他们便已经负债累累——许多人背着几千美元的学生贷款和信用卡消费账单。

you could easily rack up debt if you don't keep track of your credit card bills.───如果你不记录每笔信用卡消费的话,你会很容易就债务累累。

At 11: 00 pm he called his father and thanked him for paying his credit card bills and fixing the leaky faucet.───在下午11时00分他呼吁他的父亲,并感谢他付出他的信用卡帐单,并订定漏水的水龙头。

People may not have hefty mortgages or huge unpaid credit-card bills. But the impact of the global downturn is still being keenly felt.───法国人或许没有欠下巨额抵押贷款或高额信用卡账单,但是他们还是实实在在地感受到了全球经济衰退带来的冲击。


Employees are responsible for paying their credit card bills and then are reimbursed by the county.

A few years later, they've got a load of debt ---- many of them with thousands of dollars in student loans and credit card bills.

They took out a loan to consolidate their credit card bills.

  • creditors control
  • credit to
  • credit memorandum
  • credit balance
  • credit check
  • creditably def
  • credit limits
  • credit card bills
  • credit market
  • credit amount
  • credit manager
  • creditable service
  • credit scores and reports
  • credit policy
  • creditable coverage notices
  • credit bureaus
  • credit control
  • credited with laying the
  • credit history
  • creditable coverage with medicare
  • credit card number




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